Sometimes while using Dragon NaturallySpeaking , you may need to spell out a word or may need to dictate an abbreviation In those cases, you will need to spell out the letters after switching Dragon into the spell mode. Since speech recognition programs often understand the spoken word from the surrounding context , their accuracy reduces when the user is spelling out the letters separately. Additionally, Dragon may find it difficult to interpret similar sounding letters. For example, for me, 'P' and 'T' are not properly interpreted. So instead of just saying the letters, I say the military equivalent (i.e. the NATO alphabet ) which is 'Papa' for P and 'Tango' for 'T' Memorising the military alphabet will greatly improve your productivity . At the very least, you should learn the military alphabet equivalent of similar sounding letters .You can draw a list of the letters that you have trouble making Dragon recognise and then learn t...
Dragon NaturallySpeaking tutorial; Fibromyalgia management tools