In this Dragon NaturallySpeaking tutorial I describe how to do arithmetic operations quickly. On Windows, you can perhaps use the calculator application but it is difficult to use with Dragon NaturallySpeaking . Microsoft Excel is pretty heavyweight and again tedious to use with Dragon NaturallySpeaking. Fortunately, knowbrainer 2017 has provided the calculate command to do the basic arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. As mentioned earlier in the blog, knowbrainer 2017 is essentially a scripting tool that will help you automate any operation using Dragon NaturallySpeaking. In this case, knowbrainer 2017 launches the calculator application, types the digits that are interpreted by Dragon NaturallySpeaking, waits for the results to be calculated and then copy is the result of the clipboard. The keywords that are used for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division are plus, minus, times, divided by. So, for example, you can say 23 div...